Saturday, 14 December 2019

Cause Of Hair Loss Due To Lupus

Nowadays, hair fall is a common problem among people. There are ample factors behind the hair loss issue. If you feel excess hair loss then you should schedule an appointment with a hair specialist for hair loss treatment. In some cases, people undergo hair transplant surgery, if they do not get desired results from other alternatives.

What is Lupus?

Lupus is explained as an autoimmune issue that can cause pain in joints, joint stiffness, fatigue and a rash like a butterfly shape on the face. Moreover, Lupus patients may face hair fall problem. However, hair fall can cause stress in you but there are ample ways available to deal with this situation.

Why lupus cause hair fall?

There are certain factors behind this problem, those are given below:-
  • Inflammation

In lupus, there are two types of hair fall namely scarring and the non- scarring. However, Non-scarring hair loss leads to inflammation. Inflammation is the authentication mark of lupus which is frequently widespread. The hair loss occurs when inflammation develops around the hair follicles and scalp. Hair loss due to inflammation may be curable if you’re able to treat lupus on time.

  • Discoid sores/lesions

Sometimes Discoid rash or lesions are being caused by lupus. The lesions can be originated anywhere on your body which results in the scarring permanently. These Lesions may create and leave scars on your scalp which can damage your hair follicles and thus results in permanent hair loss.

  • Use of Medication

The side effect of the medications which are used to cure lupus results into hair loss. The use of prescribed immunosuppressant drugs can be work by suppressing the immune system and helps you to achieve remission.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Hair Growth After Hair Transplant Surgery


    DAY OF TREATMENT:- The day on which the patient undergoes for the hair transplant surgery will be considered to be day zero.

The first 14 days of the month after the hair transplant will be very important for the patients as during this period, patients may feel swelling on the forehead as well as on the donor area and the skin appears to be red where the surgeons made all the small incisions for newly restored hair. Approximately after 10 days, the crust will be eradicated and restored hair appeared and look like “crew-cut” haircut.

  • End of Month 1 – Month 2: During this stage, hair follicles remain in a constant state and the length of the rest phase may change when they are supposed to grow again. However, in this phase of the cycle, patients supposed to appear as it is as they were earlier before operation due to the quantity of hair present.

  • Months 6 – 9: Patients may experience a good amount of hair coming from the scalp. Although, the hair may thin many of the transplanted hairs will be long and able to rise. At the end of this stage, it starts revealing textual changes and hairs may become thick.

  • 1 Year: Patients who undergo this surgery may feel happy by observing hairs on their head. Around 80% of the hairs will emerge from the scalp and it will be thick as well as healthy.